Awning Special Brackets

At Manchester Awnings, we design and manufacture a range of custom made awning brackets to fit your specific awning installation.

Why do you need special brackets?

Some installation are not straight forward.  If you live in a bungalow or want an awning on a single storey wall then spreader brackets or “bungalow” brackets are required to spread the weight of the awning. This is to create space for an awning where there isn’t any or to gain height in order to get a good pitch on your awning

Awning Spreader Plates

An Awning Spreader plate is designed for fixing an awning to a single storey extensions and load-bearing applications. It is designed to spread the load away from the top of the wall on a single storey extension.

All our brackets are bespoke made for your make and model of awning.  We even match the RAL Colour of your awning.

Awning Gutter Brackets

Our Awning Gutter Brackets are designed to be the perfect solution for low installation heights and to overcome obstructions which can arise when fitting awnings to bungalow roof lines, single storey walls or above outward opening doors where additional height is required.

Awning Custom Made Brackets

We at Manchester Awning manufacture a whole range of custom made awning brackets including Spreader Plates, Gutter Brackets, Bungalow Brackets, Free Standing Posts, Wall Mounted Frames, Side Brackets, Signpost Brackets, Pipe Brackets and more!

All our brackets are fully customisable and bespoke to your fitting.